Altar Linen Care

Care of Vestry Garments and Linens, and Sacristy Linens

The primary mission of the altar linen care team is to provide clean altar server albs, baptism towels and gowns and linens for the Sunday and weekday liturgies.

This ministry will give you an opportunity to assist with the Mass is a very special way.  All garments and linens used for Mass and for Baptisms need to be washed and ironed to keep them looking fresh and crisp.  The linens are collected after the last Mass on Sunday and returned before Saturday evening Mass.  (The Church is open in the evenings to 9:00 pm).

A schedule is set up with the best attempt to accommodate all our volunteers and their personal needs.  Written instructions are provided and personal hands-on help will be provided as required.

Contact the Parish Office at  403 257 6054 .