St. Albert the Great Parish
“O taste and see that the Lord is good” Ps 34.8
4th SUNDAY IN ADVENT December 22nd, 2024
Click for Sunday's Readings
Our Blessed Mother takes center stage on this fourth Sunday of Advent, and fittingly so, as we draw near to the celebration of her Son’s birth. After our Lord Himself, Mary is our model and guide to a stewardship way of life. Today’s Gospel passage from Luke describes Mary’s actions immediately after her “yes” to the angel Gabriel’s message. “Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah… and greeted Elizabeth.” Mary immediately begins to think of others before herself, setting out quickly to be with her cousin, modeling two of the pillars of stewardship – Hospitality and Service. What warmth and humility the Mother of our Savior shows, traveling to Elizabeth to spend time with her, rejoicing with Elizabeth over her own incredible pregnancy, and assisting her in a time of need. And what joy this hospitality and service brings to Elizabeth. Our Blessed Mother’s example of a stewardship way of life is one that we, her children, can follow in our own lives today. With all the gifts God gives us — our time, our talents, our material possessions — we, too, can offer ourselves to God by using these gifts to serve and glorify Him. In so doing, we will effectively spread the Good News of the Gospel to the world around us today. We will be stewards after our Mother’s own heart. ©Catholic Stewardship Consultants www.CatholicSteward.com
Children's Liturgy of the Word this Sunday
Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM Closed for lunch from 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM | Closed all Statutory Holidays The Office will be closed from Dec 24th at 12:30PM through to Jan 1st and will re-open January 2nd.
Pastor: Fr. Andrew Maruszczak, SDS
Assoc. Pastor: Fr. Krzysztof Sobanski, SDS
Weekly Mass TUE | WED | THUR | FRI 9:00 AM, 6:30 PM
Saturday Mass 9:00 AM Sat 5:00 PM (Anticipatory)
Sunday Mass 9:00 AM | 11:30 AM | 5:00 PM
Confession TUE | WED | THUR | FRI 9:30 AM, 7:00 PM | SAT 3:30 PM Adoration Friday 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
We anticipate very high attendance at 4:00pm, 7:00pm and 9:00pm Mass on Christmas Eve and 11:30am on Christmas Day. For the safety of all, we must enforce our church capacity which means we may have to lock the doors to the church once we reach that capacity.
To avoid disappointment, please arrive early or consider attending one of the other Mass times where the attendance is much lower: Christmas Day at Midnight, 9:00am, 2:00pm and 5:00pm.
The Diocese has posted the Parish Christmas Mass schedule (Nativity of the Lord & Solemnity of Mary) which is available on their website at catholicyyc.ca
“And the word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14
With warmth and gratitude this Christmas season, we wish all of our parishioners, volunteers, ministries and visitors a Blessed Christmas and New Year.
May God shine his light upon you abundantly so that you may always walk in his path and may you always hold dear to your hearts the birth of his son and our Lord Jesus throughout the year. Amen
Thank you for thinking of us at this Advent/Christmas season. We grow in our Christian faith when we show others the love of Christ to people through building parish communities and offering programs that nurture our faith. We are truly grateful for your support. To contribute before Dec. 31, 2024 - visit: Donate to Your Parish - ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF CALGARY
In order to receive a tax receipt for the 2024 calendar year, your cash, cheque or electronic donations must be received by December 31, 2024. Donations mailed in to the church must be post marked December 31, 2024 in order to go towards your 2024 tax receipt. Donations received at any of the January 1, 2025 New Year Day Masses will go towards your 20235 donations.
We will be sending out all tax receipt by email, send an email to donations@stalbertthegreat.ca Confirming you remail address to receive your tax receipt by email. This request will also provide us with your current email address to where we will send the tax receipt. Thank you for your cooperation.
"Because Christ hears and saves those who hope in Him, let us pray for . . . "
To have a name added or removed, please email secretary@stalbertthegreat.ca and provide the name of the person you would like to add and how long you would like them to remain on the Prayer Board. The Prayer Board is intended for any living person requiring prayers.
AVAILABILITY: February & March dates are open for booking.
Our parish serves over 9000 families, intentions are limited to two per family within the three-month period. Thank you for honoring this system. Contact the office with questions.
2025 Relic Tour January 4th, 9am - 8pm
SATG is proud to be the host of a major event: The veneration of the relics of St Jean de Brebeuf and St Kateri Tekakwitha. This is a rare opportunity to encounter these saints who dwell in Heaven and see God face-to-face. Catholics have always held that veneration is not worship, but is a way to honour and draw near to the saints: we can entrust our petitions to them since they are with God (Wisdom 3:1). Throughout Christian history relics have been venerated and people have pilgrimaged to pray with them. We can expect spiritual and physical healings, and more importantly, a renewal of faith and of our personal relationship with God.
You will have the opportunity to spend a moment before the relics in personal prayer. You can bring your prayer intentions on a written piece of paper and leave them in a basket, which will later be brought back to the Canadian Martyrs Shrine. You can also press your holy cards, rosary, or medals to the reliquaries and bring them home as spiritual keepsakes (and third-class relics). "God did extraordinary miracles through Paul,so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them." (Acts 19: 11-12)
For more information about the Canadian Tour please visit:
How to use TipTapPay, the quick and easy way to donate. - Wait for a steady light, if the lights are flashing the system is not ready
- Tap your card, you will hear 1 beep if your card was read successfully
- A second single beep, means the transaction has been completed
- 2 fast beeps, the transaction was not completed, you can try again
- 3 fast beeps, the card was declined, you can try again/use different card
- For a tax receipt, you must scan the QR Code & complete all information
Located on the left side of the Narthex as you enter the Church.
THANK YOU!! Collectively, we have done it St Albert the Great Parish!!
Entering the fourth week of Advent, we definitely have shared in the love of Christ. Our united efforts have allowed us to deliver 250 hampers to families. On Saturday 210 Christmas hampers were delivered and on Wednesday, another 40 went out. There were 608 children and 560 adults who received a Christmas hamper that was packed with love and care, and each contained non perishable food items as well as fresh fruits, bread, vegetables and gift cards; all of which were so generously donated by YOU and our many sponsors within the community. This could only have been possible with your support and contribution.
Matthew 25:40 ‘I assure you, as often as you did it for one of my least brothers, you did it for me.’
We are immensely grateful for the support of the schools in our parish and give a BIG Thank you to the students, teachers, and staff at St. John Henry Newman, St. Marguerite, St. Isabella, Msgr. Smith, Christ the King, Divine Mercy, St. Albert the Great, Our Lady of the Rosary, Prince of Peace, and St. Gianna.
To the many volunteers who gave their time to set up, bake, pack up and deliver the hampers, YOU are amazing. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Thank you to Carla Jane and Sabina who offered us much additional support as we prepared for hampers and various kinds of communications, not only for the Christmas Hamper program but all year long.
Thank you also, Deacon Joseph and Deacon John who have promoted our ongoing campaign throughout the year with messaging, guidance and prayer. Our St. Vincent de Paul conference at St. Albert the Great would not exist without the immense support of Father Andrew and Father Krzysztof. We THANK YOU for supporting us throughout the year, through thick and thin with your spiritual support and guidance, your prayers and encouragement, and by just being there. Thank you so much.
Together we have brought the spirit of giving and hope to our friends and neighbours this Christmas. God Bless you all!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Donors, please consider switching the delivery of your tax receipt from Canada Post to email. If you do, please email svdp.satg.donations@gmail.com You will receive a confirmation email of the switch.
Notices in this section have been approved by the parish office, if you would like to have something added to the e-bulletin please email bulletin@stalbertthegreat.ca
For the complete list of Diocesan News & Events click: