St. Albert the Great Parish
“O taste and see that the Lord is good” Ps 34.8
31st SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME November 3, 2024
Click for Sunday's Readings
First Reading: Deuteronomy 6: 2 - 6
Responsorial Psalm 18: 1 - 2, 3 + 6b, 46 & 50ab
Second Reading: Hebrews 7: 23 - 28
Gospel: Mark 12: 28 - 34
Today’s Gospel presents Jesus’ teachings on the two greatest commandments. Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. And love your neighbor as yourself. Let’s consider these “greatest commandments” as they relate to three aspects of a Christian steward’s daily life — the giving of our time, talent, and treasure.
The use of time refers primarily to our relationship with the Lord — in other words, our prayer life. Since time is a gift to me from God, I show my love for Him and my gratitude for this gift by giving Him the best portion of my time. Of course, it is vital to talk to God throughout the day, but if I really want to love Him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, shouldn’t I make time for God “first” on my agenda each day? Not as an afterthought, but as a time I have intentionally chosen to spend only with Him.
The use of talents refers to the way I offer the abilities, skills, and interests the Lord has given me for the good of those around me. Doing so is a practical way to “love my neighbor as myself.” At the same time, it is also a way to love the Lord with all that I am and have, since He has told us that whatever we do for others we are also doing for Him.
The use material gifts — or treasure — likewise demonstrates both love of God and of neighbor. When I trustingly offer a sacrificial gift to God through the offertory collection, I am showing Him in a very tangible way that He comes before all else in my life and I am putting my material resources at the service of my neighbor in the parish community and beyond.
When we live for God and others, we are living a stewardship way of life. And like the wise scribe in today’s Gospel, we are moving closer to the kingdom of God, our ultimate destination. (©Catholic Stewardship Consultants)
Connect with us:
Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM Closed for lunch from 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM | Closed all Statutory Holidays *The office will be closed Nov 11th for Remembrance Day
Pastor: Fr. Andrew Maruszczak, SDS
Assoc. Pastor: Fr. Krzysztof Sobanski, SDS
Parish Address: 10 Prestwick Drive SE, Calgary, AB, Canada T2Z 4J6 Main Phone: (403) 257-6054 Fax: (403) 257-6072
Bulletin Updates:
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Parish Livestream: Sunday 11:30 AM Masses
Charitable Registration Number: 107909939 RR0084
Weekly Mass Tuesday to Friday 9:00 AM, 6:30 PM
Saturday Mass 9:00 AM
Sunday Mass Sat 5:00 PM (Anticipatory) 9:00 AM | 11:30 AM | 5:00 PM
Confession Tuesday to Friday 9:30 AM, 7:00 PM & Saturday at 3:30 PM
Adoration Friday 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
You may have noticed that we don't send around collection baskets during Mass, this started when the Diocese provided direction on collections during the pandemic.
We replaced regular collection with collection at the end of Mass, located at each main exit, we have a table with collection envelopes or friendly volunteers holding baskets ready to accept your cash, cheque or envelope.
The special collection that takes place at the stairs of the altar is for Holy Childhood Association, a mission organization for children to help other children. This is why it takes place immediately after children's liturgy.
Ongoing donations can be made online!
Whether by credit card or debit, all donations big or small are welcome! Our parish relies on regular offertory giving for maintenance and growth.
Anyone can make donations to the parish. Click here for more information.
Don't forget to update your address or card #'s if anything changes!
"Because Christ hears and saves those who hope in Him, let us pray for . . . "
To have a name added to the Prayer Board, please email secretary@stalbertthegreat.ca and provide the name of the person you would like to add and how long you would like them to remain on the Prayer Board. The Prayer Board is intended for any living person requiring prayers.
AVAILABILITY: December & January dates are open for booking. Please include the name of the intended, type of intention (regular INT or RIP) and your Mass date/time preference. *Please note date and time preferences are not a guarantee.
Mass intentions are booked in three-month blocks, every Monday a new week 3-months ahead opens to book.
Our parish serves over 9000 families, intentions are limited to two per family within the three-month period. Thank you for honoring this system. Contact the office with questions.
Have you moved? Did you get a new email or phone number? Do you need a tax receipt this year? Not sure if you are registered or maybe you're new to the parish!
Even if you aren't sure, please fill out the form:
"The month of November is dedicated to the Holy Souls in Purgatory. The Church commemorates all her faithful children who have departed from this life, but have not yet attained the joys of heaven. St. Paul warns us that we must not be ignorant concerning the dead, nor sorrowful, "even as others who have no hope ... For the Lord Himself shall come down from heaven ... and the dead who are in Christ shall rise. The Church has always taught us to pray for those who have gone into eternity. Even in the Old Testament prayers and alms were offered for the souls of the dead by those who thought "well and religiously concerning the resurrection." It was believed that "they who had fallen asleep with godliness had great grace laid up for them" and that "it is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins." We know that a defiled soul cannot enter into heaven."
Excerpted from Liturgical Meditations, The Sisters of St. Dominic
Please visit our table in the Narthex to add your loved ones that have passed within the last year or if they have never been added to the book.
Last weekend we kicked off Homecoming by introducing 2 much-needed items gifted to the Parish! Our amazing CWL has generously donated an automated external defibrillator (AED) for the Parish. Over the weekend several volunteers were trained on its use. Thank you CWL for this wonderful life-saving gift!
We also rolled out our new Welcome Desk! This beautiful addition to the Narthex was built and gifted by Larry Brill and Bow Valley Millworks Ltd. The desk will be known as the “Jack Teunissen Welcome Desk”, or simply as “Jack”, as a tribute to a Parishioner who has embodied the Lord’s call to serve. A Parishioner from the very beginning of our Parish, Jack has served in countless ministries and continues to serve today. For as long as we can remember, if there was something you needed to know about SATG, you could always ask Jack. That tradition will continue long into the future. If you have a question, ask Jack. Jack will know the answer. We look forward to sharing more of our Homecoming over the next couple of weeks. You are called; you matter; you belong here. Welcome Home!
A note from, Solomon Ip, writer & compiler of the Jubilarian highlights today: Once again, we arrive at the yearly celebration of our Jubilarian priests. What this jubilee class lacks in terms of quantity, it most definitely makes up for in quality. This year, we have four well-respected pastors, among whom we find two Vicars General of our diocese, the current Vicar for Clergy, a former refugee, the founding pastors of parishes, and priests who pastored their congregations as they built new churches.
This year, I am also extremely excited to be able to collaborate with one of my seminarian brothers on these jubilarian interviews. Jeffrell Painaga is a perfect candidate to write about Fr. Jack Pereira, and I am so grateful finally to share this experience with one of my brothers.
It is through the witness of many great pastors that young men are inspired to follow in their footsteps. Fathers, please think of these articles that the two of us wrote as our gratitude and our admiration; we can only hope to follow Christ so boldly, should we one day share in Christ’s priesthood.
Brothers and sisters, please join us in prayer for an increase in vocations. ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.’ ~Matthew 9:37
This week we would like to CELEBRATE our St. Albert the Great Decorating Group. This group of dedicated women not only decorate our Parish behind the scenes for special Solemnities and events, but they also take care of the many plants we have. The next time you see the beautiful flowers & decorations be sure to say a prayer of thanksgiving for them and the wonderful work that they do as volunteers.
From all of us here at SATG Thank You for everything that you do! May God continue to bless you and your acts of service.
Our parish is looking for donations of children’s angel and shepherd costumes (Ages 4 to 14) for our upcoming Children’s Christmas Mass on December 24th at 4:00PM. We have a limited supply at the church, and we will need a few more. Your donations are greatly appreciated.
Please drop off at the office located in the basement on the East side or email Carol for more information: cwilcott17@gmail.com
Be a Church of Encounter & Witness:
Brian's Story | Friends on the Street - Christ in the City From homelessness to hope - discover Brian's inspiring journey with Christ in the City. His story, shared with missionary Macie Weaver, redefines resilience and the impact of compassion.
Explore a curated selection of FORMED.org resources that will immerse you in testimonies, teachings, and stories to support and deepen your commitment to the Diocese of Calgary's Pastoral Renewal.
St. Albert the Great Parish has purchased a Formed subscription that all parishioners can partake in. The Formed site has been created and supported by the Augustine Institute to provide the very best Catholic content from more than 60 organizations to help parishes, families and individuals explore their faith anywhere. They support thousands of movies, children's programs, eBooks, audio, parish programs and studies that can be accessed and viewed on your browser, mobile or connected device. Go to the St Albert the Great main page on our website www.stalbertthegreat.ca mouse over the navigation item PARISH LIFE and select the FORMED SUBSCRIPTION page to get more information on how to subscribe.
Parishioners are asked to park in the parking lot first and to avoid street parking whenever possible.
Avoiding the non-parking zones such as the bus stop, walkways and curb breaks helps us and the community.
Thank you for helping us continue to be good neighbors!
There is a Plastic bin in the Narthex on the West side of the church near the window that we place general Lost & Found Items. Mass books are placed on the small bookshelf behind the pillar on the left side as you enter the church. If you are looking for other items, please call the office at 403-257-6054.
THIS WEEKEND! Don't forget to bring your name tag, if you don't have one we can make one for you & be sure you stop by after Mass to visit our Ministry tables. Youth Group will be selling Mass Missals at their table! More info below.
NO SUNDAY SOCIAL NOVEMBER 3rd as we have our Ministry Fair.
We are always looking for volunteers, specifically Bakers for our 11:30 AM social group. For more information, or to sign-up, please call the office or contact:
Saint Albert’s Men
The next session will be after the 9:00 AM Holy Mass on November 8th. Men of all ages in our community are suffering from a lack of social connection, fraternity, and support in carrying out their vocations as Catholic men in today’s world.
How can we truly live in the image and WILL of God? How can we become authentic men while fulfilling our roles within our communities, families, and work?
You are invited to a Saturday morning video presentation followed by an opportunity to share and discuss the video with fellow men in our parish while enjoying coffee and donuts.
Come and join us – we look forward to meeting with you.
Fraternitas, Virtus, Integritas (Brotherhood, Virtue, Integrity)
Are you longing for a bit of rest, a mini-reprieve from a busy crazy autumn? Why not set aside an evening to rest and be renewed with the Lord? COME AS YOU ARE is back again Friday, November 8th @ 7pm (following Mass).
We will have Adoration with beautiful praise & worship music, an opportunity for Confession as well as Prayer Ministry. Food and social to follow! If you're desiring to reconnect with God in a personal and meaningful way, this is it! He is calling and thirsts for you.
Our CWL Christmas Fundraiser for St. Albert the Great Parish is coming to a close! The final day for orders to be submitted is November 9th.
Next meeting is November 14th at 1:30PM in the basement.
DRY PASTA & PASTA SAUCE Please drop your donations in the St. Vincent de Paul box in the Narthex.
All non-perishable food is appreciated.
Thank you for your support!
Please consider donating so that we can purchase the groceries needed to fill the hampers in the months ahead. Donations can be made by cash, cheque or by Tax receipts will be issued in Feb 2025
Our work is not possible without the financial support of our parishioners, schools and the community at large. We thank you all for your generosity.
"For all the benefactors of the poor, that God may reward them with eternal life", Lord hear us.
Donors, please consider switching the delivery of your tax receipt from Canada Post to email. If you do, please email svdp.satg.donations@gmail.com You will receive a confirmation email of the switch.
Our St. Vincent de Paul ministry will be in the Narthex the weekend of November 16-17th as they kick off our 2024 Christmas Hamper Program on World Day of the Poor. For more information, please call the office.
DEVELOPMENT & PEACE An invitation to Share Year-Round
Would you like to support people in the Global South as they take charge of their own development? Development and Peace — Caritas Canada offers you a simple, effective way to support its mission throughout the year: becoming a Share Year-Round monthly donor.
As a Share Year-Round donor, not only do you act for social justice and human dignity but your support forges bonds of solidarity across borders. What’s more, you automatically become a member of the organization, joining a community of committed people who share your values.
Make a difference to the thousands of people our programs serve! Become a Share Year-Round donor and support our mission year-round at devp.org/shareyearround
WE NEED VOLUNTEERS for Sunday 11:30 AM and Sunday 5 PM Masses.
Please visit our website for more information.
Children’s Liturgy is a volunteer run program that teaches the Liturgy of the Word in terms that children can understand. The program is designed for children aged 4 to 7 years old.
Registration is required and the fee is $20/child or $50 per family, this helps cover the costs for supplies. *We understand that not everyone can afford additional costs, please register and connect with us; no family will be turned away.
Children’s Liturgy needs the following volunteers: ● Coordinators (Adult) ● Teachers (Adult) ● Assistant Teachers (Adult) ● Student Helpers (8-17 years old)
Notices in this section have been approved by the parish office, if you would like to have something added to the e-bulletin please email bulletin@stalbertthegreat.ca
For the complete list of Diocesan News & Events click: