St. Albert the Great Parish
“O taste and see that the Lord is good” Ps 34.8
33rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME November 17, 2024
Click for Sunday's Readings
In today’s Gospel, Jesus continues this teaching by offering his disciples signs to look for that will indicate that the coming of the Son of Man is near. His words and images draw upon Old Testament imagery, especially images found in the Book of Daniel. Next, Jesus offers the lesson of the fig tree, a parable that teaches that if one knows how to read the signs, one can be prepared for the end times. Jesus also teaches, however, that no one knows when the end time will come, except the Father. In the verses that follow this reading in Mark’s Gospel, Jesus continues to warn his disciples to be on watch for this end time.
Jesus’ words are not spoken to frighten his disciples, nor should they frighten us. Rather, they are offered to prepare us for the changes we will experience during our lifetimes and at the end times. Our consolation and hope is found in the lasting nature of Jesus’ words and God’s never-ending love for us.
Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM Closed for lunch from 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM | Closed all Statutory Holidays
Pastor: Fr. Andrew Maruszczak, SDS
Assoc. Pastor: Fr. Krzysztof Sobanski, SDS
Weekly Mass TUE | WED | THUR | FRI 9:00 AM, 6:30 PM
Saturday Mass 9:00 AM
Sunday Mass Sat 5:00 PM (Anticipatory) 9:00 AM | 11:30 AM | 5:00 PM
Confession TUE | WED | THUR | FRI 9:30 AM, 7:00 PM | SAT 3:30 PM Adoration Friday 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
"Because Christ hears and saves those who hope in Him, let us pray for . . . "
To have a name added or removed, please email secretary@stalbertthegreat.ca and provide the name of the person you would like to add and how long you would like them to remain on the Prayer Board. The Prayer Board is intended for any living person requiring prayers.
AVAILABILITY: December & January dates are open for booking. Please include the name of the intended, type of intention (regular INT or RIP) and your Mass date/time preference. *Please note date and time preferences are not a guarantee.
Mass intentions are booked in three-month blocks, every Monday a new week 3-months ahead opens to book.
Our parish serves over 9000 families, intentions are limited to two per family within the three-month period. Thank you for honoring this system. Contact the office with questions.
This week we would like to CELEBRATE our St. Albert the Great Altar Linen Cleaning Team. This group of dedicated volunteers work behind the scenes to launder our Altar linens and makes sure that they look beautiful each week.
Please say a prayer of thanksgiving for them and the wonderful work that they do as volunteers.
From all of us here at SATG Thank You for everything that you do! May God continue to bless you and your acts of service.
MAZOVIA Dance Group is doing a Polish Food Fundraiser, 20% of sales will be donated to St. Albert the Great Parish.
To place an order please email mazoviaorder@gmail.com or call Majka at the number listed.
They will also be in the Narthex next weekend Nov 23/24th after all Sunday masses taking orders.
Deadline to order is Dec 5th - Pickup will take place Dec 8th after 11:30 AM Mass followed by a dance performance for parishioners.
Looking to get in the Christmas Spirit? Some of our parishioners have teamed up with the Stampede City Mixed Acappella Chorus and will be hosting a free Christmas Concert here at the church on November 27 right after the 6:30 pm mass. It's open to all parishioners, including the general public, family, and friends.
Although admission is free, please consider a donation for St. Vincent de Paul. It is very much appreciated!
Bring Joy to a Senior this Christmas with your art!
We are calling on children of all ages (adults & families welcome) to bring joy to Seniors this Christmas!
Many seniors will be alone this Christmas Season. Some don’t have family to visit, some can’t drive, and most miss the vibrancy and love that comes with being together at Christmas.
Let’s change that with your artwork! - Grab a colouring page from the Narthex pamphlet area under the Prayer Board TV or beside the office in the pamphlet area.
- Colour, decorate, and add a nice note (do not include full personal information). “Smith Family” or a child’s first name is fine.
- Optional: fill out a Christmas Card, or Make One and put your drawing inside.
- You can drop off your artwork at the Church office or in the Narthex at our new welcome desk, “Jack.”
Deadline for drop off is Nov. 30th, 2024. Your artwork and cards will be distributed at our Senior Age Care Homes during the first week of Advent.
Filipino Simbang Gabi Mass
St. Albert the Great Parish - Please join us for the 2024 Simbang Gabi Mass celebration on Saturday, November 30, 2024.
This is a beautiful and joyous Filipino tradition celebrated during the Christmas season.
Caroling begins at 6:30 PM, followed by the Mass celebration at 7:00 PM.
Join us this Advent for “Renewed in Hope,” a three-day mission from Dec 3 to Dec 5 here at the Church starting each evening at 7 PM. Mass on all three days will be at 6 PM and Reconciliation will be available from 6 PM to 7 PM.
Renowned speakers Brett Powell, Bishop Scott McCaig, and Mary Rose Bacani Valenti will join us live via Zoom, leading us in reflections on discipleship, community, and family life. This is a wonderful chance to renew our faith and find hope together as we prepare for Christmas. All are welcome!
May YOU be richly blessed for bringing Christmas Joy to our many friends this year.
Dear Lord, We pray that you help us to see the needs of those around us, especially the least of our brothers and sisters. May we be moved with compassion to serve and love them as we would serve and love you. May our actions reflect your love and grace, and may we be a light in this world.
Thank you for your support!
Donors, please consider switching the delivery of your tax receipt from Canada Post to email. If you do, please email svdp.satg.donations@gmail.com You will receive a confirmation email of the switch.
THIS WEEKEND! The St. Albert the Great CWL Council will be set up in the Narthex selling Advent Wreath kits (wreath, candles, ribbons, and prayer sheets - $25) and Advent Candle sets - with prayer sheet - $10) and an inspirational book "Jesus, the Christ" by James Rodrigo for $25.00 following all Masses on the weekends of November 16/17, November 23/24 and November 30/December 1.
This Sunday Only - Pickup your order from the freezer truck that will be in the parking lot from 10:00 AM until 12:45 PM.
Parishioners are encouraged to pick up during this time as freezer space is limited and alternate pickup will need to be arranged with the CWL. Please email satgcwl@gmail.com for more information.
New Missal starts Dec 1st!!
Buy your Mass Missal this weekend and support the Youth Group in the process!
Please join us on Thursday, Nov 28th 7 to 9pm in the parish hall, following the evening Mass. Talk, small groups, social. Let's grow in holiness and mission together! Questions? Email us comeasyouare.yyc@gmail.com
Healing & Discernment of Spirits: November CONNECT Night
"Not all the thoughts in your head come from you, and you shouldn't listen to them!" (Dan Burke, Spiritual Warfare & Discernment of Spirits)
If you've never experienced our monthly CONNECT nights, this is a great time to start as we continue to dive into Ignatian Discernment of Spirits: the art of sifting through the thoughts & feelings that are inspired by God and those that are not. This is a life-changing path to peace and healing, a great gift to the Church.
Please consider supporting Elizabeth House this holiday season! St. Albert the Great Knights of Columbus will be collecting donations of the Essential Items listed below until Dec 1st. Donations can be placed in the Donation box located in the East side of the Narthex.
Essential Items - Bedding: New pillows and pillow protectors
- Baby needs: Disposable diapers (sizes 3-6), diaper wipes
- Household supplies:
- Paper towels, toilet paper, tissue boxes
- Garbage, recycling, and compost bags
- Soaps (hand, dish, dishwasher, laundry - unscented, dye-free), bleach
- Kitchenware: New pots and pans, mixing bowls, dish sets, and cutlery
- Personal care:
- Manicure kits (for women and babies), shampoo & conditioner, hand and body lotions, diaper cream, and baby soap
- Hair and body care items for culturally diverse women
Clothing & Comfort - Women’s underwear (sizes S-XL), robes (sizes S-XL), and sweatpants (sizes XS-XL)
- Slippers (new)
- Baby clothes: Sizes 6 months to 2 years
- Baby gear: New carriers, wraps, slings, strollers, and car seats
The Knights of Columbus will be in the parking lot the weekend of November 23 & 24th accepting donations of refundable bottles.
Men of St. Albert the Great, the Knights of Columbus wants you to change your life by evangelizing you to become better Father’s, Husband’s, & Brother’s in Christ.
Change your life & become a better Catholic by becoming a Knight of our SATG Council 12446!
Notices in this section have been approved by the parish office, if you would like to have something added to the e-bulletin please email bulletin@stalbertthegreat.ca
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