St. Albert the Great Parish
“O taste and see that the Lord is good” Ps 34.8
32nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME November 10, 2024
Click for Sunday's Readings
First Reading: Kings 17: 10 -16
Responsorial Psalm: 146: 6c - 7, 8 - 9a, 9b - 10
Second Reading: Hebrews 9: 24 - 28
Gospel: Mark 12: 38 - 44
Today’s First Reading from the First Book of Kings, as well as the Gospel passage from Mark, both center on the actions of two seemingly poor and helpless widows who show themselves to be faith-filled and generous stewards.
In the eyes of the world, particularly in biblical times when there was no life insurance or Social Security, these widows were weak and dependent on others to take care of them. They each found themselves in desperate situations — one in the midst of famine with a child for which to care, and the other clearly impoverished. Yet, each demonstrated strength and generosity that distinguished them from those around them. From where did this strength come?
It came from knowing who they are, and Whose they are. These women must have known their security would not come from a good life insurance policy or connections to someone with a hidden storehouse of flour.
No, their security came from knowing they were daughters of the Most High God and from putting their faith in Him. They had no need to panic in the midst of natural disaster or cling desperately to their menial resources. Their faith in God set them free to trust Him when all seemed hopeless. Their faith kept them detached from material possessions. Their faith allowed them to be brave and generous, to think of others despite their own trials.
These women saw themselves as stewards, not owners, of the resources God gave them, regardless of how much or how little they had. And acting as stewards made them gracious, generous and mighty indeed. (©Catholic Stewardship Consultants)
Connect with us:
Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM Closed for lunch from 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM | Closed all Statutory Holidays *The office will be closed Nov 11th for Remembrance Day
Pastor: Fr. Andrew Maruszczak, SDS
Assoc. Pastor: Fr. Krzysztof Sobanski, SDS
Parish Address: 10 Prestwick Drive SE, Calgary, AB, Canada T2Z 4J6 Main Phone: (403) 257-6054 Fax: (403) 257-6072
Charitable Registration Number: 107909939 RR0084
Weekly Mass TUE | WED | THUR | FRI 9:00 AM, 6:30 PM
Saturday Mass 9:00 AM
Sunday Mass Sat 5:00 PM (Anticipatory) 9:00 AM | 11:30 AM | 5:00 PM
Confession TUE | WED | THUR | FRI 9:30 AM, 7:00 PM | SAT 3:30 PM Adoration Friday 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Canadians pause in silence on November 11 to remember those who died from war, and to pray for the victims of aggression and inhumanity throughout the world. This is a day to pray for peace, to consider what we are doing as individuals, as a community, and as a nation to bring God's peace into the world. (Source: ORDO)
"Because Christ hears and saves those who hope in Him, let us pray for . . . "
To have a name added or removed, please email secretary@stalbertthegreat.ca and provide the name of the person you would like to add and how long you would like them to remain on the Prayer Board. The Prayer Board is intended for any living person requiring prayers.
AVAILABILITY: December & January dates are open for booking. Please include the name of the intended, type of intention (regular INT or RIP) and your Mass date/time preference. *Please note date and time preferences are not a guarantee.
Mass intentions are booked in three-month blocks, every Monday a new week 3-months ahead opens to book.
Our parish serves over 9000 families, intentions are limited to two per family within the three-month period. Thank you for honoring this system. Contact the office with questions.
We are so unprepared to survive the death of a child, Pope Francis observes in his message for this month, that not even our dictionary contains a word to accurately describe this condition of life.
“You see, when one spouse loses the other, they are a widower or a widow. A child who loses a parent is an orphan. There’s a word for that. But when a parent loses a child, there’s no word. The pain is so great, that there’s no word.”
To speak to these parents, “we need to listen to them, to be close to them with love, to care responsibly for the pain they feel, imitating how Jesus Christ consoled those who were afflicted.”
Prayer intention: Let us pray that all parents who mourn the loss of a son or daughter find support in their community and may receive peace of heart from the Spirit of Consolation. Lord hear our Prayer!
St. Albert the Great Cashflow as of Sept 30, 2024
You may have noticed that we don't send around collection baskets during Mass, this started when the Diocese provided direction on collections during the pandemic.
We replaced regular collection with collection at the end of Mass, located at each main exit, we have a table with collection envelopes or friendly volunteers holding baskets ready to accept your cash, cheque or envelope.
The special collection that takes place at the stairs of the altar is for Holy Childhood Association, a mission organization for children to help other children. This is why it takes place immediately after children's liturgy.
Ongoing donations can be made online!
Whether by credit card or debit, all donations big or small are welcome! Our parish relies on regular offertory giving for maintenance and growth.
Anyone can make donations to the parish. Click here for more information.
Don't forget to update your address or card #'s if anything changes!
Have you moved? Did you get a new email or phone number? Do you need a tax receipt this year? Not sure if you are registered or maybe you're new to the parish!
Please visit our table in the Narthex to add your loved ones that have passed within the last year or if they have never been added to the book.
“Bring Joy to a Senior this Christmas”
We are calling on children of all ages (adults & families welcome) to bring joy to Seniors this Christmas!
Many seniors will be alone this Christmas Season. Some don’t have family to visit, some can’t drive, and most miss the vibrancy and love that comes with being together at Christmas.
Let’s change that with your artwork! - Grab a colouring page from the Narthex pamphlet area under the Prayer Board TV or beside the office in the pamphlet area.
- Colour, decorate, and add a nice note (do not include full personal information). “Smith Family” or a child’s first name is fine.
- Optional: fill out a Christmas Card, or Make One and put your drawing inside.
- You can drop off your artwork at the Church office or in the Narthex at our new welcome desk, “Jack.”
- Deadline for drop off is Nov. 30th, 2024.
Your artwork and cards will be distributed at our Senior Age Care Homes during the first week of Advent.
This week we would like to CELEBRATE our St. Albert the Great Sunday Social Volunteers. This large group of dedicated people make up multiple teams that rotate to host our 9:30AM & 11:30AM gatherings. From the baked goodies, to the planning, organizing and clean-up. This group does so much for us! The next time you join us for Sunday Social be sure to thank them for their service. Please say a prayer of thanksgiving for them and the wonderful work that they do as volunteers.
From all of us here at SATG Thank You for everything that you do! May God continue to bless you and your acts of service.
FORMED.ORG Form Missionary Disciples in Christ:
Formed for Mission | A Missionary Spirituality | Formed Now Ready to ignite your missionary spirit? 🔥 Dr. Ben Akers and Professor Lucas Pollice dive into Pope St. John Paul II’s Redemptoris Missio, revealing how each of us is called to share the good news of Christ. Tune in to discover key principles for living out this mission! Watch now
St. Albert the Great Parish has purchased a Formed subscription that all parishioners can partake in. The Formed site has been created and supported by the Augustine Institute to provide the very best Catholic content from more than 60 organizations to help parishes, families and individuals explore their faith anywhere. They support thousands of movies, children's programs, eBooks, audio, parish programs and studies that can be accessed and viewed on your browser, mobile or connected device. Go to the St Albert the Great main page on our website www.stalbertthegreat.ca mouse over the navigation item PARISH LIFE and select the FORMED SUBSCRIPTION page to get more information on how to subscribe.
Released: November 4, 2024
The latest Faithfully
Some highlights: - Bishop's Message - For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission
- Pray, Listen, and Respond - Introducing Sr. Charisse Cilos, the newest sister from our diocese
- Young women engage with Sisters at Fiat Day
- St. Anthony's Young Adults explore Consecrated Life
- Career & volunteer opportunities
- Upcoming events
Parishioners are asked to park in the parking lot first and to avoid street parking whenever possible.
Avoiding the non-parking zones such as the bus stop, walkways and curb breaks helps us and the community.
Thank you for helping us continue to be good neighbors!
There is a Plastic bin in the Narthex on the West side of the church near the window that we place general Lost & Found Items. Mass books are placed on the small bookshelf behind the pillar on the left side as you enter the church. If you are looking for other items, please call the office at 403-257-6054.
Buy your Mass Missal this weekend and support the Youth Group in the process!
Saint Albert’s Men
The next session will be after the 9:00 AM Holy Mass on November 9th. Men of all ages in our community are suffering from a lack of social connection, fraternity, and support in carrying out their vocations as Catholic men in today’s world.
How can we truly live in the image and WILL of God? How can we become authentic men while fulfilling our roles within our communities, families, and work?
You are invited to a Saturday morning video presentation followed by an opportunity to share and discuss the video with fellow men in our parish while enjoying coffee and donuts.
Come and join us – we look forward to meeting with you.
Fraternitas, Virtus, Integritas (Brotherhood, Virtue, Integrity)
SATG Homecoming Weekend #2
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1
What do you call a Parish Nametag Weekend where you have more nametags on hand than you ever thought you would need, buy more on Sunday morning, then come close to running out before the last Mass on Sunday afternoon? We call that a tremendous success!
Over the four Masses this past weekend, as part of SATG Homecoming 2024, the Parish Renewal Team provided over 2,500 nametags to our congregation. In addition to all of you who brought your own, well over 75% of you took part, generating a warmth of connection amongst our Parish family.
One parishioner proudly wore tags from five different groups she belongs to. Some families went above and beyond, creating their own special matching nametags. Nothing was sweeter than the big sister who proudly made a nametag for her newborn baby brother.
Following each of the Masses, parishioners flocked downstairs to the hall to check out opportunities to serve the Parish at the annual Ministry Fair. Well over half of our more than 40 ministries and groups were represented and were thrilled to welcome new members.
Thank you to the Parish Renewal Team for the Nametag Weekend; Cheryll Nandee and her team for organizing the Ministry Fair; to the Youth Group and the Knights of Columbus for setting up and taking down; and to the Sunday Social and Kitchen teams for the incredible refreshments and treats.
Homecoming 2024 wraps up this Saturday with a Tailgate Party BBQ to thank our wonderful, dedicated volunteers.
You are called; you matter; you belong. Welcome Home!
Our CWL Christmas Fundraiser for St. Albert the Great Parish is coming to a close! The final day for orders to be submitted is November 9th.
If you have an order form and haven't submitted, please do so!
The St. Albert the Great CWL Council will be set up in the Narthex selling Advent Wreath kits (wreath, candles, ribbons, and prayer sheets - $25) and Advent Candle sets - with prayer sheet - $10) and an inspirational book "Jesus, the Christ" by James Rodrigo for $25.00 following all masses on the weekends of November 16/17, November 23/24 and November 30/December 1.
DRY PASTA & PASTA SAUCE Please drop your donations in the St. Vincent de Paul box in the Narthex.
All non-perishable food is appreciated.
Thank you for your support!
October 2024 Hampers Provided Hampers Delivered: 53 Number of Adults: 102 Number of Children: 90 Cost of food hampers: $12,207.00 Gift cards given to the 53 families for milk, produce, meat: $1,910.00
Thank you to the students, parents, teachers and administrators at St. Albert the Great, Christ the King, and Prince of Peace Schools for organizing Thanksgiving Food Drives. Your generous donations in this successful food drive filled our shelves!! Thank you so much!
Please consider donating so that we can purchase the groceries needed to fill the hampers in the months ahead. Donations can be made by cash, cheque or by Tax receipts will be issued in Feb 2025
Our work is not possible without the financial support of our parishioners, schools and the community at large. We thank you all for your generosity.
"For all the benefactors of the poor, that God may reward them with eternal life", Lord hear us.
Donors, please consider switching the delivery of your tax receipt from Canada Post to email. If you do, please email svdp.satg.donations@gmail.com You will receive a confirmation email of the switch.
Our parish is looking for donations of children’s angel and shepherd costumes (Ages 4 to 14) for our upcoming Children’s Christmas Mass on December 24th at 4:00PM. We have a limited supply at the church, and we will need a few more. Your donations are greatly appreciated.
Please drop off at the office located in the basement on the East side or email Carol for more information: cwilcott17@gmail.com
Come Join Us Next Weekend! NO SUNDAY SOCIAL NOV 10 Sunday Social takes place after 9:30AM & 11:30AM Mass.
Tea/Coffee & Baked goodies are available for free - come socialize, meet new people and enjoy the day of the Lord with Coffee and Jesus!
We are always looking for volunteers, specifically Bakers for our 11:30 AM social group. For more information, or to sign-up, please call the office or contact:
Next meeting is November 14th at 1:30PM.
Here at St. Albert the Great parish, we formed a grandparent's group.
We would like to invite all grandparents to come join us as we navigate the joys grandparenthood and to support the raising of our grandchildren in the Catholic Faith. Monthly meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month at 1:30pm in the St. Albert the Great room.
Donations go towards supporting the events hosted by the St. Albert the Great Parish Knights Ministry.
The Knights of Columbus will be in the parking lot the weekend of November 23 & 24th accepting donations of refundable bottles.
Men of St. Albert the Great, the Knights of Columbus wants you to change your life by evangelizing you to become better Father’s, Husband’s, & Brother’s in Christ.
Change your life & become a better Catholic by becoming a Knight of our SATG Council 12446!
WE NEED VOLUNTEERS for Sunday 11:30 AM and Sunday 5 PM Masses.
Please visit our website for more information.
Children’s Liturgy is a volunteer run program that teaches the Liturgy of the Word in terms that children can understand. The program is designed for children aged 4 to 7 years old.
Registration is required and the fee is $20/child or $50 per family, this helps cover the costs for supplies. *We understand that not everyone can afford additional costs, please register and connect with us; no family will be turned away.
Children’s Liturgy needs the following volunteers: ● Coordinators (Adult) ● Teachers (Adult) ● Assistant Teachers (Adult) ● Student Helpers (8-17 years old)
Notices in this section have been approved by the parish office, if you would like to have something added to the e-bulletin please email bulletin@stalbertthegreat.ca
For the complete list of Diocesan News & Events click: