St. Albert the Great Parish
“O taste and see that the Lord is good” Ps 34.8
1st SUNDAY IN ADVENT December 1st, 2024
Click for Sunday's Readings
Gospel Reading Luke 21:25-28,34-36 Jesus teaches his disciples to be vigilant so that they will be ready when the Son of Man comes in glory.
Family Connection In today's Gospel, Jesus warns his disciples against the fatigue that can emerge if one becomes consumed by the anxieties of daily life. Many families are too familiar with the kind of fatigue Jesus refers to here. We may be concerned about a family member's health, our job security, our children's education, or any number of other concerns. All these are important matters. Jesus does not promise an end to daily worries and fears, but he does teach his disciples that they will have the strength to withstand anxiety if they stay focused on him, remaining vigilant for his return and praying for strength to endure all tribulations. Through prayer, God helps us stay focused on that which is most important in our lives.
As you gather as a family, recall the tradition of making New Year's resolutions in preparation for the new calendar year. Observe that today is the first Sunday of Advent, which is the beginning of the new Church year. During the season of Advent, our Gospel readings ask us to consider what is most important to us as we prepare for Jesus' coming, at his birth and at the end of time. Read today's Gospel, Luke 21:25-28,34-36. Jesus describes signs that may disturb many people, but he says that these should not to disturb his disciples. Why? (because these signs indicate that redemption is near) What does Jesus say that his disciples should do? (Be vigilant and pray for strength.) At this start of the new Church year, consider as a family what “Advent resolutions” your family might make to help you stay focused so that you will be prepared to receive the salvation we celebrate at Jesus' birth and anticipate at Jesus' second coming. Pray together for God's help in following through on these resolutions. Pray together today's psalm, Psalm 25.
Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM Closed for lunch from 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM | Closed all Statutory Holidays
Pastor: Fr. Andrew Maruszczak, SDS
Assoc. Pastor: Fr. Krzysztof Sobanski, SDS
Weekly Mass TUE | WED | THUR | FRI 9:00 AM, 6:30 PM
Saturday Mass 9:00 AM
Sunday Mass Sat 5:00 PM (Anticipatory) 9:00 AM | 11:30 AM | 5:00 PM
Confession TUE | WED | THUR | FRI 9:30 AM, 7:00 PM | SAT 3:30 PM Adoration Friday 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
"Because Christ hears and saves those who hope in Him, let us pray for . . . "
To have a name added or removed, please email secretary@stalbertthegreat.ca and provide the name of the person you would like to add and how long you would like them to remain on the Prayer Board. The Prayer Board is intended for any living person requiring prayers.
AVAILABILITY: January & February dates are open for booking.
Our parish serves over 9000 families, intentions are limited to two per family within the three-month period. Thank you for honoring this system. Contact the office with questions.
This week we would like to CELEBRATE our St. Albert the Great Parish Welcome Ministry Volunteers. This group of dedicated volunteers greet us with smiling faces at each of our Sunday Masses. They answer questions, direct us where we need to go, and they are always willing to lend a hand.
Please say a prayer of thanksgiving for them and the wonderful work that they do as volunteers.
From all of us here at SATG Thank You for everything that you do! May God continue to bless you and your acts of service.
Filipino Simbang Gabi Mass Saturday Nov 30th.
St. Albert the Great Parish - Please join us for the 2024 Simbang Gabi Mass celebration on Saturday, November 30, 2024.
This is a beautiful and joyous Filipino tradition celebrated during the Christmas season.
Caroling begins at 6:30 PM, followed by the Mass celebration at 7:00 PM.
ADVENT HAS BEGUN - Make sure to visit the Narthex to pick up a copy of our FREE advent devotionals and activities booklets.
These will also be available at the entrance tables throughout the Parish over the next few weeks.
Renewed in Hope - An Advent Parish Event
Join us this Advent for “Renewed in Hope,” a three-day mission from Dec 3 to Dec 5 here at the Church starting each evening at 7 PM. Mass on all three days will be at 6 PM and Reconciliation will be available from 6 PM to 7 PM.
Renowned speakers Brett Powell, Bishop Scott McCaig, and Mary Rose Bacani Valenti will join us live via Zoom, leading us in reflections on discipleship, community, and family life. This is a wonderful chance to renew our faith and find hope together as we prepare for Christmas. All are welcome!
St. Albert the Great Parish is EXCITED to host Mary's Nook & BellaVita Jewlery the weekend of December 7th & 8th for an Advent Pop-up Event! If you are looking for Catholic gifts now is your chance to support local and the Parish. A percentage of the weekend sales will be donated back to the Church!
MAZOVIA Dance Group is taking orders over the phone or by email for their Polish Food Fundraiser! 20% of sales will be donated to St. Albert the Great Parish.
To place an order please email mazoviaorder@gmail.com or call Majka at the number listed.
Deadline to order is Dec 5th - Pickup will take place Dec 8th after 11:30 AM Mass followed by a dance performance for parishioners.
Deadline for drop off is Dec 1st, 2024. Please drop off your artwork at the Church office or in the Narthex at our new welcome desk, “Jack.”
Your artwork and cards will be distributed at our Senior Age Care Homes during the first week of Advent.
Donations from this pancake breakfast will support the Catechesis of the Good Shepard in the ministry’s need to send people for training next year and their own supplies to teach children in our parish. We hope to you see you there!
LAST WEEKEND! The St. Albert the Great CWL Council will be set up in the Narthex selling Advent Wreath kits (wreath, candles, ribbons, and prayer sheets - $25) and Advent Candle sets - with prayer sheet - $10) and an inspirational book "Jesus, the Christ" by James Rodrigo for $25.00 following all Masses on the weekends of November 30/December 1.
Christmas Hampers 2024 Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to deliver Christmas hampers on Saturday Dec 14th. What amazing and wonderful people we have at St. Albert the Great!
Please take a tag from one of our Giving Christmas Trees in the Narthex and purchase a gift card (Superstore, Canadian Tire or Walmart) for us to add to the Christmas Hampers. The cards are to be brought in by Sunday December 8th so they can be included in the hampers. Our members will in the Narthex before and after each of the weekend masses to receive your envelopes, or they can be placed in the collection basket.
“If God is the center of your life, no words are necessary. Your mere presence will touch hearts.” - St. Vincent de Paul
Thank you for Touching Hearts.
Donors, please consider switching the delivery of your tax receipt from Canada Post to email. If you do, please email svdp.satg.donations@gmail.com You will receive a confirmation email of the switch.
Please consider supporting Elizabeth House this holiday season! St. Albert the Great Knights of Columbus are collecting donations of the Essential Items listed below until Dec 1st. Donations can be placed in the Donation boxes located in the West side of the Narthex.
Essential Items - Bedding: New pillows and pillow protectors
- Baby needs: Disposable diapers (sizes 3-6), diaper wipes
- Household supplies:
- Paper towels, toilet paper, tissue boxes
- Garbage, recycling, and compost bags
- Soaps (hand, dish, dishwasher, laundry - unscented, dye-free), bleach
- Kitchenware: New pots and pans, mixing bowls, dish sets, and cutlery
- Personal care:
- Manicure kits (for women and babies), shampoo & conditioner, hand and body lotions, diaper cream, and baby soap
- Hair and body care items for culturally diverse women
Clothing & Comfort - Women’s underwear (sizes S-XL), robes (sizes S-XL), and sweatpants (sizes XS-XL)
- Slippers (new)
- Baby clothes: Sizes 6 months to 2 years
- Baby gear: New carriers, wraps, slings, strollers, and car seats
Notices in this section have been approved by the parish office, if you would like to have something added to the e-bulletin please email bulletin@stalbertthegreat.ca
Calgary Catholic School District (CCSD)
The Calgary Catholic School District (CCSD) Board of Trustees has set Friday, January 31, 2025, as the date of a by-election to fill two vacant trustee positions in Wards 4 and 7 and Wards 11 and 12. This by-election is required by the Education Act and is an opportunity to ensure Trustee representation for all wards in the City of Calgary. Eligible voters include Canadian citizens aged 18 or older as of January 31, 2025, residing in Wards 4 and 7 and 11 and 12, who share the Catholic faith.
More information on voting opportunities, including times, locations, and identification requirements, will be provided in early 2025.
Please join us for an 8-part study with Jeff Cavins and Thomas Smith, who will examine biblical wisdom as it relates to daily life. Drawing on the wisdom literature of the Bible, “Wisdom: God’s Vision for Life” will teach you how to actively seek sound guidance and increase your sense of peace in navigating life.
Classes will be over Zoom on Wednesday evenings, from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., beginning on January 8, 2025; cost of the workbook is $35.00.
Become a Catechist in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program for 3-6 years old
Become a Catechist in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program for 3–6-year-olds. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a time-tested approach to faith formation. In a retreat-like atmosphere, with hands-on materials designed just for them, children hear the Word proclaimed and grow in their relationship with God. The most essential treasures of the Christian faith, from scripture and Liturgy, touch each child's heart and lead to deep contemplation, prayer and joy. A Level 1 Training Course for catechists will be offered at Ascension Catholic Parish, Calgary. The course is a minimum commitment of 90 hours, with readings and written work required.
- Location: Ascension Catholic Parish, 1100 Berkshire Blvd NW, Calgary, Alberta
- Dates: Part A, February 13-18, 2025; Part B, July 14-19, 2025
- Register online: cgsac.ca/courses-1 by Jan 10, 2025
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