St. Albert the Great Parish
“O taste and see that the Lord is good” Ps 34.8
21st SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME August 25, 2024
Click for Sunday's Readings
First Reading: Joshua 24: 1 - 2a, 15 -17, 18b
Responsorial Psalm: 34: 2 - 3, 16 - 21
Second Reading: Ephesians 5: 21 - 32 or 5: 2a, 25 - 32
Gospel: John 6: 60 - 69
Our readings offer us examples of how we should be living, and they present us with an opportunity to make a radical change in our lives.
In our first reading, Joshua tells the leaders of the Israelites to decide as to who they shall serve in this life. As he presents them with this choice, he boldly states, “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Who or what does your household serve? Whether you are a household of one or twelve, now is the time to decide, ‘will we serve the Lord?’
We are constantly bombarded with endless distractions around us. It can be very easy to serve other ‘gods’ in our lives. For instance, putting technology (phone, internet, TV), kids’ extracurricular activities, our jobs, or our social lives before the Lord. We also might be putting these things above our loved ones, and if we are doing that, then we are putting them above our relationship with God.
With this in mind, we must strive each day to intentionally live as disciples of Christ. It starts with commitment — incorporating personal daily prayer and increasing that prayer week by week, incorporating prayer into our marriages and families, frequenting the sacraments, and serving others. Through this time with the Lord and service to those around us, He will reveal to us where to go next.
Reflect on how you may not be putting God first in your life and decide to respond like the Israelites, “Far be it from us to forsake the Lord for the service of other gods… Therefore, we also will serve the Lord, for he is our God.” (©Catholic Stewardship Consultants)
Connect with us:
Summer Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM Starting Sept. 3rd: Mon to Fri: 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM Closed 12:30 to 1:00 PM for lunch
Pastor: Fr. Andrew Maruszczak, SDS
Assoc. Pastor: Fr. Krzysztof Sobanski, SDS
Parish Address: 10 Prestwick Drive SE, Calgary, AB, Canada T2Z 4J6 Main Phone: (403) 257-6054 Fax: (403) 257-6072
Bulletin Updates:
Facebook: Instagram:
Parish Livestream: Sunday 11:00 AM Masses
Charitable Registration Number: 107909939 RR0084
Weekly Mass Tuesday to Friday 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Saturday Mass 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Sunday Mass 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM 11:00 AM to Noon 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Confession Tuesday to Friday 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Wednesday & Thursday 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Saturday 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Adoration Friday 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
To request a Mass intention please email secretary@stalbertthegreat.ca with the name of the intended, and your Mass date/time preference. Mass intentions are booked in 3-month increments. Due to the number of requests we receive, we limit anyone requesting a Mass Intention to two within the three-month period. *Please note date and time preferences are not a guarantee. Contact the office with questions.
"Because Christ hears and saves those who hope in Him, let us pray for . . . "
To have a name added to the Prayer Board, please email secretary@stalbertthegreat.ca and provide the name of the person you would like to add and how long you would like them to remain on the Prayer Board.
There will be no Mass at South Health Campus on September 1, 8 and 15. Mass will resume on September 22, 2024 at 3:30 PM.
Our 2024 parish goal for Together In Action is $78,445 and any surplus will go towards upgrading the indoor and outdoor lighting in the parish.
There is a Plastic bin in the Narthex on the West side of the church near the window that we place general Lost & Found Items. Mass books are placed on the small bookshelf behind the pillar on the left side as you enter the church. If you are looking for other items, please call the office at 403-257-6054.
Mass Ministry Volunteer Recruitment August 24 & 25, 2024
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10
Are You Hearing the Call to Serve?
Are you looking to get involved in our wonderful SATG Parish?
We are seeking volunteers for our Mass Ministry teams, including: • Welcome Ministry • Children’s Liturgy of the Word Ministry • Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministry • Sacristan Ministry • Sunday Social • Lector Ministry • Altar Server Ministry • Music Ministry
Join us after the weekend Masses and talk to volunteers about why they love to serve. Your time and talent will make a difference in our Parish. Thank you for considering this opportunity to serve!
Why I volunteer……
“Being a volunteer as a Eucharistic Minister is such a privilege in that you are helping the Church in the pinnacle of our faith in receiving the Eucharist, you are literally feeding your family (being our Brothers & Sisters in Christ) and helping them to achieve salvation!”
“Just like being a blood donor, it is by this calling of our Lord Jesus, to give in charity. In giving of our time and talent in service to our Lord and to each other, whom are our brothers and sisters, you will grow in the experience of humility in service and become closer to our Lord. “
Come join us in friendship and great conversation as we work on our arts & crafts projects. All are welcome!
Every Tuesday morning at 10 AM starting Sept 10th in the St. Albert room.
They are currently accepting wool donations as they knit hats & mitts for the Knights of Columbus and St. Vincent de Paul Programs.
Here at St. Albert the Great parish, we are forming a grandparent group. We would like to invite all grandparents to come join us as we navigate the joys grand-parenthood and to support the raising of our grandchildren in the Catholic Faith. The first monthly meeting will be held on: Thursday, September 12th at 1:30 PM in the St. Albert the Great room.
First session September 14th, 2024
You are invited to a Saturday morning video presentation after Mass, followed by an opportunity to share and discuss the video with fellow men in our parish while enjoying coffee and donuts.
Come and join us – we look forward to meeting with you.
Fraternitas, Virtus, Integritas (Brotherhood, Virtue, Integrity)
Men of all ages in our community are suffering from a lack of social connection, fraternity, and support in carrying out their vocations as Catholic men in today’s world.
There are several groups in our parish already, and rightly so. This group aims to challenge men to get to know and support each other in leading authentically Catholic lives during these confusing times. Can we all just follow the rules and attend Mass, but is that enough? How can we truly live in the image and WILL of God? How can we become authentic men while fulfilling our roles within our communities, families, and work?
Thank you to all St. Albert the Great parishioners that have been generous in supporting the New Canadian Family ministry. We are still waiting on Canadian Immigration to provide the final travel details for the family. The wait has been longer than we anticipated and has been very challenging for the family. They have shared with us a few scripture verses that provide them comfort and hope during their wait.
The Lord is my portion, therefore I will wait for him. Lamentations 3 : 24. I will say to the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust" Psalm 91 : 2
Please continue to keep the family in your daily prayers. As soon as we know the arrival date, we will communicate to the parish as there will be much to do to welcome them!
Current Needs
St. Albert the Great St. Vincent de Paul currently needs: Pasta & Pasta Sauce Please drop your donations in the St. Vincent de Paul box in the Narthex. All non perishable food is appreciated. Thank you for your support!
July 2024 Summary
Hampers delivered: 45 (a 45% increase over June 2023) Number of Adults served: 106 Number of Children served: 84
Cost of the hampers: $13,500 for food and $1890.00 in gift cards were given to these families to purchase meat and dairy for a total of $15,390.00.
We assisted one family that was facing eviction with rent for $1200.00. We also helped one family that was faced with a utility disconnection for $569.75
The high cost of food, rent and utilities are leaving families with little to no money for food and they need our help. Please consider donating this weekend so that we can purchase the groceries needed to fill the hampers in the summer months.
Our work is not possible without the financial support of our parishioners, schools and the community at large. We thank you all for your generosity.
Change your life & become a better Catholic by becoming a Knight of our SATG Council 12446!
The Knights of Columbus council of St. Albert the Great is proud to present in collaboration with our SATG Clergy, “We are the People of the Eucharist”, a Eucharistic Discernment given by Bishop David Motiuk, who is the Honorary State Chaplain for the Knights of Columbus of Alberta, available to all parishioners!
The KofC Family of the Month for June 2024 Press Release can be found by clicking on this link .
The St. Albert the Great CWL has partnered with Canadian Blood Services to promote blood donation within our community.
Join our Partners for Life team (STAL0116763).
The SATG Catholic Women’s League started a 2024 campaign in conjunction with Canadian Blood Services to increase awareness for the need of blood donors. As part of this campaign, we had Canadian Blood Services complete a site inspection in the hopes St. Albert the Great Parish could become a donation site. Unfortunately, the church elevator and ramp do not accommodate the movement of their equipment. Despite us not being able to be a donation site, the CWL continues to encourage all eligible parishioners, their families, and friends across Canada to make a blood or plasma donation this year. Our CWL parish team name is “St. Albert the Great Catholic Women’s League” through www.blood.ca if you wish to join our team. Our team has made 6 donations so far! There are several donation sites across the city that change based on site availability. The Acadia Recreation Complex and Southview Church in Walden are currently the closest sites to our Parish.
Thank you for your continued support!
Proclaiming the Gospel and Forming Missionary Disciples for the Renewal of the World!
For the complete list of Diocesan Sunday Updates click here: Sunday Updates
Cemetery Mass
Bishop McGrattan will celebrate Masses for the souls of the deceased buried at our Catholic cemeteries in Calgary and area. All are welcome! - Tue, Aug 27 at Edenbrook Cemetery
- Thu, Aug 29 at Mountain View Cemetery
40 Hours Devotion for Vocations
- Wed, Sep 4 from noon to 10 pm (Mass at noon celebrated by Bishop McGrattan);
- Wed, Oct 2 from noon to 10 pm;
- Wed, Nov 6 from noon to 10 pm;
- Wed, Dec 4 from noon to 10 pm.
Holy Spirit Parish Overnight Eucharistic Adoration
Overnight Eucharistic Adoration takes place on the first weekend of the month, from Saturday 8:00 PM to Sunday 8:00 AM. 2024 remaining dates: September 7 & 8th October 5 & 6th November 2 & 3rd December 7 & 8th
Fiat - Young Women Retreat for Religious Life Discernment
Join Fr. Derek Remus, Sr. Dianne Turner, and Sr. Azenette Trongco for a day of discernment and prayer for young, single women aged 16 and above on September 28th from 9 am to 4 pm.
To register contact Sr. Dianne Turner at
St. Michael's in Calgary is offering an 8-week support group program for individuals who have recently lost loved ones.
The Grief Support Ministry at St. Michael is based on the Companionship model of grief program initiated by Dr. Alan Wolfelt. It offers support and companionship to the person during the time of loss.
The program will take place every Tuesday evening from September 10 to October 29.
Transitions is a 15-week peer-led, God-centred support group that is designed to foster healing in its participants. It is facilitated within a confidential, safe, and respectful environment of community and belonging for individuals working through the pain of separation and divorce.
The group meets every Tuesday, beginning October 1, 2024 (7 to 9 pm). No fee to register – limited spots are available.
Volunteers for Feed the Hungry in Calgary Take part in the spirit of generosity and giving. Let's feed the hungry in Calgary, one Sunday at a time. We invite you to volunteer, donate, or sponsor one Sunday dinner. For more information, visit: https://www.catholicyyc.ca/feedthehungry.html
Prison Ministry
We are seeking compassionate male and female volunteers to lead Liturgy of the Word and Rosary prayers at the Remand Centre and Calgary Correctional Centre. Serve with empathy and a heart for Jesus: "I was in prison and you visited me" (Matthew 25:36). Interested? Read more
Subscribe to Faithfully
If you haven't already, please subscribe to the Diocesan publication Faithfully - to keep you updated with what's happening in our Diocese. Faithfully gives a snapshot of faith at work in the lives of everyday people in our Diocese and provide us with opportunities to spread the Good News of Christ beyond the walls of our churches. New release is coming up this Monday! To subscribe, visit catholicyyc.ca/faithfully
Please be vigilant: Our bishops, priests, deacons, and religious do not request gift cards or cash through emails or texts. If you receive such requests, they are highly likely to be a scam. Protect yourself by ignoring these messages, and do not respond. For the safety of our community, report any suspicious activities to the parish office. Your awareness and action can help prevent these scams from spreading.
On the Second Anniversary of the Papal Visit
On the two-year anniversary of Pope Francis’s penitential pilgrimage to Canada, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) has provided an update on the steps that the Catholic Church in Canada has taken to respond to the Holy Father’s calls for a future of justice, healing, and reconciliation.
Career Opportunities
There are a number of employment opportunities that are currently available in the Diocese of Calgary (and beyond):
Catholic Pastoral Centre
Parishes in the Diocese of Calgary
Other For detailed job descriptions and application process, visit our Careers page
Cavalry FC Event Opportunities
Cavalry FC is a local professional soccer team that plays at Spruce Meadows. They're inviting our parishes to enjoy their events as family days with group discounts. Their games are fun for the whole family, with weekly activities such as live band performances, bouncy castles, face painting, and player autographs.
World Day of Migrants & Refugees
In his message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees (Sep 29, 2024), Pope Francis reminds us, "Let us take our most vulnerable brothers and sisters by the hand, recognize in them the face of Jesus, and share a part of the road together!
Click on the images above to connect to Mary's Meals website.