From:                                on behalf of Bulletin <>

Sent:                                           Saturday, January 27, 2024 10:25

To:                                               Communications Account

Subject:                                     St. Albert the Great Bulletin - January 28, 2024


St. Albert the Great Parish “O taste and see that the Lord is good”   Ps 34.8 10 Prestwick Drive SE, Calgary, AB, Canada T2Z 4J6 Phone: 403 257 6054          Fax: 403 257 6072 Charitable...











St. Albert the Great Parish


“O taste and see that the Lord is good”   Ps 34.8


10 Prestwick Drive SE, Calgary, AB, Canada T2Z 4J6

Phone: 403 257 6054          Fax: 403 257 6072

Charitable Registration Number 107909939 RR0084













Deuteronomy 18: 15 - 20

Corinthians 7: 32 - 35

Mark 1: 21 - 28











Our readings today remind us of God’s authority.

As we reflect on our Gospel, we recognize that God possesses all authority and that we want to give Him all authority.  Jesus was teaching in the synagogue on the Sabbath.  All were fixed on His words and astonished at what He had to say. Suddenly everyone’s attention shifted to a man with an unclean spirit who began to question Jesus and His authority.  Jesus responded, “Quiet, come out of him!” and removed the evil spirit from the man.  All were amazed at the healing of this man.

Life can sometimes look like the synagogue in Capernaum.  We are living as disciples of Christ when we suddenly recognize evil around us — through events in our lives, temptations we are enduring, or by falling into sin.  It can distract us, consume our attention, or even cause us to despair. In these moments of trial, we must remember the Healer in our Gospel today.  Recall His words, “Quiet, come out of Him!”  Jesus has the power and authority over evil, for He has conquered sin and death.  He also has the power and authority over us.  And when we invite Him to have that authority, He will heal us and help us persevere.

Today, we are reminded that God is in control and that we want Him to be in control.  He is the loving Healer Who will work miracles in our lives if we give Him the authority to do so.














Tue, Jan 30 @ 9:00 am         Cheyenne, Dakota & Cole Romeo (INT)

Tue, Jan 30 @ 6:30 pm         Jason Garcia (INT)

Wed, Jan 31 @ 9:00 am        Alane Boudreau (INT)

Wed, Jan 31 @ 6:30 pm        Gil-Gomez Family (INT)

Thu, Feb 1 @ 9:00 am           Marcus De Obieeta (RIP)

Thu, Feb 1 @ 1:30 pm           Sister Mary Rosario (INT) - Senior Care Centre

Thu, Feb 1  @ 6:30 pm          Evelyn Garcia (INT)

Fri, Feb 2 @ 9:00 am             Liisa Honish (INT)

Fri, Feb 2 @ 6:30 pm             Ana Torres (INT)
Sat, Feb 3 @ 9:00 am            Melchor Bataan (RIP)

Sat, Feb 3 @ 5:00 pm            Adolf Smerdely (RIP)
Sun, Feb 4 @ 9:00 am           Valentin and Myrna Landicho (RIP)

Sun, Feb 4 @ 11:00 am         St. Albert the Great Community (INT)

Sun, Feb 4 @ 5:00 pm           Lorna Pacheco (RIP)













ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS – when making donations by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) please put your full name in the memo line, and your address if it is the first time you are sending an EFT donation.  We are receiving donations that only come in from the bank with a first name, and we do not know who it belongs to, or what it is for; donation, sacrament fee payment, etc.  Also, you may have the same first and last name as another parishioner, and the address helps us correctly record the donation.  Your full name and address ensures that we are recording the donation to the correct person for tax receipts at the end of the year.


DONATION ENVELOPES – we are encouraging parishioners to make donations electronically, however we can provide you with a box of donation envelopes and a sheet of labels to put on them, as the envelopes are not numbered.  Please come to the parish office Monday through Friday 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, and we can provide you with the box of envelopes and labels.  If you do not want the labels, when using envelopes, please PRINT your full name and address on the envelope.  If you only put your first name “John”, or your last name “Doe Family”, we do not know who to record the donation to and it gets recorded as loose.













We are always trying to control our expenses.  Instead of sending your tax receipt by Canada Post we prefer to send out your tax receipt by email.  If you wish to have your tax receipt sent by email then please send an email to  donations@stal...  requesting that you wish to receive your tax receipt by email.  This request will also provide us with your current email address to where we will send the tax receipt.  Thank you for your cooperation.


PLEASE NOTE: If you made a donation to St. Vincent de Paul, please be aware that they issue separate tax receipts for your donations, as they operate separately from the parish.  Tax receipts will be mailed out in February for 2023 donations.

























Our parish has a number of pastoral care ministers that are available to bring Holy Communion to parishioners who are unable to attend Mass.  Pastoral care is a ministry of healing and presence to those parishioners who are sick, elderly, dying, home bound and bereaved.   Our ministers are available to make home visits, as well we have ministers that regularly attend the South Campus Hospital.  


Starting Sunday January 14, 2024 there will be a Mass every Sunday at South Health Campus Hospital at 3:00 pm. 


If you or a loved one are a parishioner in need of a pastoral care visit at home or at the South Calgary Health Campus please contact the parish office at 403-257-6054













Are you an adult who was baptized Catholic but never received the sacrament of Confirmation?

If so, you are invited to register for adult preparation for Confirmation at St. Albert the Great Church. 

Registration is available through the parish website.

Preparation for the sacrament will take place over three Sunday afternoons (February 4, February 25, and March 17) and will culminate in a Confirmation celebration with Bishop McGrattan in April (April 13 or April 20).

Contact Dan D'Agostino through the parish office if you have any questions.














St. Albert the Great Parish is seeking 2 individuals to develop and manage our social media and other electronic communications.  This volunteer position is an excellent opportunity to gain practical digital communications experience while serving your Parish by connecting with and informing our faithful.  For more information, please click here .




















February 4 –  The KofC will provide a pancake breakfast after the 9:00 am and 11:00 am Masses supported by the charity fundraising proceeds collected by them to date.





The KofC Family of the Month for January 2024 Press Release can be found by clicking on  this link .













Proclaiming the Gospel and Forming Missionary Disciples for the Renewal of the World!


Contact us at  comeasyouare.y...




Discovery Faith Studies are up and running!


We applaud the men and women who have made the New Year's Resolution to invest in their spiritual life in 2024! There are three men's groups and five women's groups. Please pray for all our participants.






Will return in February, please stay tuned.













Our 2023 Together In Action goal is $78,445 and any surplus funds above our goal will go towards the repair of the main doors to the church.  To date we have raised $90,361.01 towards our goal thanks to your generous contributions.














As our sponsored family gets closer to transitioning from being refugees to becoming members of our parish, we wanted our ministry name to better reflect this. This is why we have renamed our ministry the New Canadian Family Ministry of Hope.


Mt 25:35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.


Please see the website at  for updated information.



Also, thanks to the generosity of St. Albert the Great parishioners we have met our stated goal for fundraising for the refugee family!!


If you were a monthly contributor, please contact the office to stop or redirect your donations.


We will update you soon on the family's arrival as well as other ministry needs to prepare for welcoming the family to Canada.


Thank you so much for your generosity to this ministry.  God Bless. 























Current Needs


St. Albert the Great St. Vincent de Paul currently needs  jam and peanut butter .

Please drop your donations in the St. Vincent de Paul box in the Narthex.  Thank you for your support!














If you would like to learn more about the Eucharist in the Scripture, join other parishioners to watch the series presented by Dcn. Harlod Burke-Silvers.


The presentations with a short discussion and fellowship will be offered twice a week after the 9:30 am morning Mass on Thursday & Saturday.  We will start on Thursday, February 1, with the first presentation.  That presentation will be repeated on Saturday, February 3.














The meetings are held on Saturdays @ 7:00 am at St. James Parish in Okotoks.

You may register at  programs.parad... .

























A small group of the faithful from St. Albert the Great Parish have taken on the mission to put together some recollections and archives going back to the very beginnings of our parish.  Our history got away from us and we think that while we’re still able, we need to gather up our memories.  We are reaching out to anyone who has been a part of our journey for the past 25 years to help document our past.


We’re not exactly sure of what this is all going to look like, but all stories and memories are important.  Can you help us?


Your participation wouldn’t involve a huge time commitment.  If you do like meetings and such, we’ve decided to gather once a month to add past events to a giant timeline.  But, another way that you might participate is to write down your recollections…events that stick out in your memory or that were really important to your family.  You might want to look through your boxes of photos and contribute those or a scan of those.  There are many ways that your participation might be celebrated.  Whether you walked in the front doors of our church when they first opened 20 years ago, or for the first time a few months ago, you are an important part of our history and we thank you for anything you might do.  If you have something to share, please contact us at  archives@stalb...  .













"Because Christ hears and saves those who hope in Him, let us pray for . . . "



To have a name added to the Prayer Board, please email secretary@stalberttheg... and provide the name of the person you would like to add and how long you would like them to remain on the Prayer Board.











Pre-Lenten Religious Art / Icon Tour












Calgary Catholic Education Foundation


























Click on the images above to connect to Mary's Meals website.











You Are Called



Click on the above image to view the renewal web page.











It's the World Day of Social Communications!


CCCB Pastoral Letter on Social Media
Today, on the liturgical memorial of Saint Francis de Sales (also the 2024 World Day of Social Communications), and with the approval of the Permanent Council, the Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) releases its Pastoral Letter on the use of social media titled: “Let Your Speech Always Be Gracious.”   Read the Pastoral Letter


World Day of Social Communications - Pope's Message
In his message for the 58th World Day of Social Communications, Pope Francis urges humanity to cultivate wisdom of the heart in the age of artificial intelligence (AI).  AI is “radically affecting the world of information and communication, and through it, certain foundations of life in society,” says the Pope in his Communications Day message, adding that “these changes affect everyone.”   Read the Pope's Message











World Day for Consecrated Life - Feb 2



World Day for Consecrated Life will be celebrated in the Church on Friday, February 2, 2024, and in parishes over the weekend of February 3-4, 2024. Please pray for all those who have made commitments to consecrated life, and be sure to thank them on their special day. May they continue to be inspired by Jesus Christ and respond generously to God's gift of their vocation.

Download prayer card & images | If your parish wishes to have printed cards, please contact Sr. Dianne Turner


To watch the video of Consecrated Life in the Diocese - click here











Theology of the Body









Join experts Dr. Christopher West, Sister Helena Burns FSP, Fr. Cristino Bouvette, and internationally acclaimed songwriter, Mike Mangione, as they introduce and reflect St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body.

  • When/Where: Friday, Feb. 9, 2024 from 6 pm to 10 pm at Holy Spirit Catholic Church (10827 24 St SW Calgary)
  • Register online

For any questions, please contact theologyoftheb... 













World Day of the Sick - Feb 11



The World Day of the Sick is celebrated each year on February 11.  It is an occasion to pray for individuals who are suffering, and find concrete ways to draw nearer to them.  The theme chosen for the 2024 is "It is not good that man should be alone." (Gen 2:18)  It was subtitled, "Healing the Sick by Healing Relationships."  

  • The Holy Father's message for the 2024 World Day of the Sick. Read now

Resources to promote the 2024 World Day of the Sick in your parish will be shared next week. 




















In this 18-week God-centered program, participants find strength in healing after separation or divorce, fostering growth through mutual understanding and connection.

  • When/Where:  Every Tuesday, from Feb 13, 2023, 7 pm to 9 pm at the Catholic Pastoral Centre (120 – 17th Avenue SW, Calgary) 
  • No fee registration | Limited spots available
  • Register now at













From St. Mary's University


Apply now

Applications are now open for Fall 2024 in all BA/BSc programs and the helpful admissions team at St. Mary's is ready to guide you through the process.  Get a head start on building the foundation of your future by applying to St. Mary's University today at












Sunday Bulletin shorts

The gospel tells of a typical day of Jesus.  He first teaches in the synagogue and then performs the miracle of exorcism.  Jesus is presented to us as a prophet described by Moses, who teaches with the authority of God and whose words are obeyed even by unclean spirits.  There is no power on earth greater than the power of God at work in Jesus. 

  1. Does the image of Jesus as one who casts out unclean spirits still speak to our age?
  2. How do “unclean spirits” show themselves in our world today?

How are we to respond to them?


(Reflection: Diocese of Saskatoon)


Resources for children

Preparing for a Happy Death... and the Life to Come Workshop Tuesdays, Jan 23 - Mar 5 at 7 pm - Online via Zoom

The Archdiocese of Edmonton invites compassionate Catholics, healthcare ministers, caregivers, and parishioners to participate in a 6-module course to engage Catholics in the ancient practice of preparing for a happy death and the life to come. Learn how to facilitate this course in your community.  Info & registration.



8-week program for those who have experienced the loss of loved ones.  The program includes a Christian-based video seminar, facilitator-directed discussion, and a personal workbook.  When: Tuesdays, Jan 23 to Mar 12, from 7 pm to 9 pm, at St. Michael's, Calgary.  Call 403-249-0423 or read more info .


Applications are open for Fall 2024 at St. Mary's University

Applications are now open for Fall 2024 in all BA/BSc programs and the helpful admissions team at St. Mary's is ready to guide you through the process.  Get a head start on building the foundation of your future by applying to St. Mary's University today at


Religious/Icon Art Tour in Calgary

Saturdays, Feb. 3 & 10, from 8:45 am to Noon - Calgary.  Tour the world of religious art right here in Calgary, where we will visit Eastern churches from Greece, Romania, Ethiopia, Egypt and Ukraine.  No fees, and all are welcome. More information: or call/text 403-850-5859 | More information


Theology of the Body Conference

Join experts Dr. Christopher West, Sister Helena Burns FSP, Fr. Cristino Bouvette, and internationally acclaimed songwriter, Mike Mangione, as they introduce and reflect St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body.  When/Where: Friday, Feb. 9, 2024 from 6 pm to 10 pm at Holy Spirit Catholic Church (10827 24 St SW Calgary). Register online.  For any questions, please contact theologyoftheb...  | Download Poster in PDF | JPG



In this 18-week God-centered program, participants find strength in healing after separation or divorce, fostering growth through mutual understanding and connection.  When/Where: Every Tuesday, from Feb 13, 2024, from 7 pm to 9 pm at the Catholic Pastoral Centre (120 – 17th Avenue SW, Calgary).  No fee registration | Limited spots available.  Register now at


Finding the Real Presence of God outside the church

Back for a second series, Fr. Tim Boyle will speak on The Art of Accompaniment, picking up on the theme from the Synod preparation document "Enlarge the Tent." His next talk is scheduled for Mon, Feb 19 at 10:30 am with theme: “Finding the Real Presence of God outside the church” at St. Martha's Parish in Lethbridge, or watch via livestream here.

Indigenous Christians: An Authentic Faith

Indigenous Voices of Faith is a series of interviews conducted by Cardus in the fall of 2022 by Father Deacon Andrew, in which Indigenous people across Canada were asked to share their faith and life experiences.  St. Mary’s is excited to host Father Deacon Andrew, where he will discuss with a panel of Indigenous peoples from Treaty Seven, their faith experiences.  It is an opportunity to hear from Elders and an alumnus of St. Mary’s about how Indigenous culture and Christian faith co-exist. When: Wed, Feb 21 at 7 pm to 9 pm at the McGivney Hall.  Register here


GrACE Newsletter - January 2024

GrACE began as a conversation within the Catholic education community to ‘weave together the voices of Catholic education in a common vision to share both the value and necessity of Catholic education.  Let's extend our reach to ensure that everyone we know is connected to GrACE's shared vision of Catholic excellence in education; nurturing hearts, minds and souls.  In support of Catholic Education, please read and share the GrACE Newsletter here.


Airdrie Dream Vacation Raffle 2024

The Knights of Columbus in Airdrie invite you to participate in their Airdrie Dream Vacation Raffle.  Proceeds go back into the community through the Knights of Columbus (Council 8045) in Airdrie.  For more information and to purchase tickets, go to  airdriedreamva...

Sunday Mass at Calgary Hospitals 

Great news!  The celebration of Sunday Mass has resumed at three hospitals in the City of Calgary on the First Sunday of Advent.  Patients, family members and friends, and hospital staff are now able to avail themselves of this pastoral outreach in the following facilities:  
 Sundays at 3:30 pm - Foothills Hospital Chapel
 Sundays at 3:00 pm – Peter Lougheed Hospital Chapel
 Sundays at 3:30 pm – Rockyview Hospital Chapel


Career Opportunities

Please visit  catholicyyc....  for more information and application details. 


January & February 2024 Calendar Highlights 

Subscribe to Faithfully

If you haven't already, please subscribe to the  Diocesan publication Faithfully  - to keep you updated with what's happening in our Diocese.  Get a snapshot of faith at work in the lives of everyday people in our Diocese and find opportunities to spread the Good News of Christ beyond the walls of our churches.  Subscribe at 


Other Diocese information can be found at  this link.













Sent by Gerry Selinger









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10 Prestwick Dr SE, Calgary, AB T2Z 4J6   •